Customer Explorer: Site Pay Info

Credit Card and ACH information can be stored on a Separate A/R Site Account in Customer Explorer at the Site level to be used for single or recurring payments. Also see Related Topics.


How To Store Customer Credit Card On File


  • For Consolidated or Separate A/R Customer Bill To Type accounts, Credit Card and ACH information will be stored at the Customer Level Pay Info tab.
  • For Separate A/R Site Bill To Type accounts, Credit Card and ACH information will be stored at the Site Level Pay Info tab.


Credit Card

  1. Select the Payment Type radio button (Credit Card).
  2. Select the Card Type from the drop-down list.
  3. Enter the card number (omitting spaces) or click the Change button if changing the card number.
  4. Select the Expiration Date Month and Year from the drop down.
  5. Enter your CVV2 data. CVV2 is a three-digit number imprinted on the signature panel of cards to help card-not-present merchants verify that the customer has a legitimate card in hand at the time of the order. CVV2 is required on all Visa cards.
  6. Select a Charge Type from the drop-down list. Recurring or Single Charge.
  7. Enter the credit card holder First and Last Name.
  8. Enter the credit card holder Address, City, State/Province and Zip/Postal Code.
  9. Enter the credit card holder Phone number and Email address.
  10. Select Apply Credit Card Processing Fee to generate an additional fee when processing the credit card payment.


Preauthorized (ACH)

  1. Select the Preauthorized (ACH) radio button.
  2. Enter Bank Name
  3. Enter Bank Account Number or click Change to change the existing.
  4. Enter Bank Routing No.
  5. Select Bank Account Type Checking or Savings from the drop down list.
  6. Select Charge Type Single Charge or Variable Recurring.
  7. Enter Preauthorized Payment Holder Information as labeled.


Customer Explorer: Customer Details

Customer Explorer: Customer Pay Info

Customer Explorer Rebate Setup